A Question For My Blog Followers

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July 2011.

Recently, I haven’t been pretty active with writing in this blog. I’ve started writing here at the year of 2011, talking about issues on life and faith that really matter to me. I’ve also written things that have helped or inspired some people out along the way. Over the last few months though, I have barely received any support and feedback, due to the lack of posts I’m sharing. That is why I am considering starting anew instead. However, my decision isn’t final yet.

December 2011.

December 2011.

 Maybe it’s just the lack of direction with the blog, or some sort of progress, that’s why I’m not really as inspired as I used to be from a year ago. Maybe I was losing sight of who I am in God, instead continuing to be frustrated and anxious over myself, in spite of knowing the truth.

I have a lot of ideas, still… stories I wish to be told, yet some part of me could not seem to express it because I’m still somehow not there yet.

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Likes, Image, and Comparisons

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In this age of social networking and this hype we have about getting likes and followers, I see how it stimulates our desire for popularity and attention. Because, doesn’t it feel good to receive a lot of likes, or a top comment on youtube? Or maybe having that goal or desire for a self-made blog, idea, or video to go viral..

It’s a beautiful success, or so it seems, for others to see how cool we are or what kind of impact we can make to a lot of people. In our idleness, we flaunt what’s best in us, of course weighing if people would like it or not, and be…admired.

Being admired gives most of us a sense of value or success. Finally, we could be proud of ourselves. We aren’t the newbies and dreamers we once were. Because we’re living in reality now. Once, we were holding on to nothing. Now we have “proof” to say that we have it.

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“All the lonely people; Where do they all come from?”

Decluttering Religion.


In 1966 a song “Eleanor Rigby” was recorded by Paul McCartney of The Beatles. The song gave the band a shift to how people viewed them as just a young  rockers to be taking more serious in their music. The song hit a reality with the lines “All the lonely people; Where do they all come from?; All the lonely people; Where do they all belong?”

We live in a world of 6 Billion people and almost 4 Billion live in North America. Our world has become a flat society where technology allows us to communicate with anyone from anywhere at anytime. Communication with others is instant. The availability of transportation and entertainment is unprecedented. Three-fourths of  American people live in metropolitan cities. Yet, social research tells us that people are lonely.

The AARP came out with a recent study in their Nov/Dec 2010 issue. The study found that of…

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Keep Calm, Truth Remains.

Keep Calm, Truth RemainsI get so anxious about myself so easily and that’s hindered me a lot of times, and I often fight those by listening to music. The above ones listed are ones I encourage you to listen to. I am sure you will be blessed. God loves you…let go…He’s holding you.

We Grow…Still

We Grow As A New Dawn

“We Grow…As A New Dawn” by tacticianjenro

We Grow Give it Time

“We Grow…Give It Time” by tacticianjenro

Each day, I choose to think that I become a better person.. There is no guilt. There is nothing to be ashamed of. The past is gone, and is now made into something glorious.

And in the future, a promise is waiting. It’s an amazing promise, one filled with much hope. At the same time, we may feel inadequate and fearful, but it’s far more than being about us.

And I will wait..thankful for what I am, who I am, and what I have.